Faith & Health

A Timely Conversation about Faith & Health

How can we unlock our nation’s religious diversity to strengthen personal and public health? Last summer, IA partnered with Chautauqua Institution to explore this question with leaders from across the faith and health landscape.

July 9–12, 2023

Chautauqua, NY

Faith Matters

This group included leaders from public health, academic medicine, theological education, chaplaincy, health systems, faith-based health organizations, and foundations—all working to lift up the positive potential of our religious diversity in health settings. Topics ranged from whole person care to health equity to health worker resilience as we considered ways our diverse religious and communities can mend what is broken when it comes to the health of the public.


Leaders from across the faith and health landscape are working to unlock the positive potential of our nation’s religious diversity to promote human wellbeing. Listen to their call to join the growing movement.

Summary Report

Faith & Health

Faith & Health Convening Summary Report

From our structured and unstructured conversations, public addresses, and video interviews, several key themes emerged that can inform this sector going forward. We look forward to advancing this movement in ways that carry forward the rich wisdom and inspiration of this cross-disciplinary group. 

Related Resources


Engaging Religious Identity in Healthcare

This resource provides strategies for healthcare providers to frame the conversation on religion and medicine in a manner focused on providing the best care to all people.


Case Studies: Engaging Religious Diversity in Health Fields

Written in partnership with health fields faculty, medical practitioners, and bio-ethics students, these case studies describe real-life scenarios from health care settings in which religious identity plays a significant role.


Leveraging the Power of Religious Diversity in Health Fields

Highlighting best practices and key pedagogies, this article profiles campuses that have successfully integrated religious diversity education into health fields curricula.