Support Us

Join us at the table, as we build interfaith America the nation.

Ways of Supporting

We are grateful for the generous support of our many partners — individuals and organizations alike — who work alongside us to achieve our vision. Thank you in advance for your support of Interfaith America!


Make a one-time or recurring gift to support Interfaith America directly online.

By Mail

Checks made payable to Interfaith America can be sent to our offices:

Interfaith America

141 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 3200

Chicago, IL 60604

Institutional Support

Interfaith America partners with dozens of foundations, nonprofits, and corporations each year. Reach out to our team to discuss an organizational partnership, grant to Interfaith America, or a corporate matching program.

Planned Giving

We’d love to talk with you about other opportunities to support Interfaith America, including making a multi-year pledged commitment or an investment in the Interfaith America endowment.

Building an Interfaith America

At Interfaith America, we seek to build a Potluck Nation. A nation where everyone is welcomed to the table, where stories of possibility and cooperation are shared, and where new dishes and flavor combinations enhance the feast. 

Pluralism is the central necessary characteristic, the most important ingredient of a diverse democracy.

Your gift to Interfaith America supports us as we become a nation that welcomes the best contributions of all communities and spreads out a feast that the whole nation and world can enjoy.

Join us today!

Get inspired, equipped, and connected to unlock the potential of America’s religious diversity.