Courses, Curricula, and Tools


Building on Existing Strengths

Working Collaboratively in Communities

Working Collaboratively in Communities

As you plan interfaith initiatives, your first step should be to learn and reflect on the community in which you are living. You are not starting from a blank canvas – there are likely people and organizations who have long been doing great work related to your initiative. As you consider taking action as an interfaith leader, you’ll want to identify who is already leading work in your community, what programming and events are already happening, and what resources already exist.

Kretzmann and McKnight highlight three categories of assets available in every community:

Individuals and their gifts

 including young people, students, artists, the elderly, teachers, and people from the variety of diverse communities in the area


including religious communities, neighborhood groups, student clubs, unions, and other civic collectives or cultural groups


including local schools, college campuses, parks, libraries, local government, hospitals, etc.