Faith and Health

Bridge Builders Carolinas

Faith in the Vaccine

Religious leaders discuss the importance of COVID vaccines highlighting diverse faith traditions to bridge gaps in information and build trust in the vaccine.

Our Work

Our Work

In the first wave of our work, five North Carolina higher education campus teams addressed the question: What will it take for our Charlotte community to rise out of this crisis more deeply committed to the wellbeing of all? They collaborated with partner organizations to address pressing needs in the areas of food insecurity and education gaps.

In the second wave, the program sought to reach Carolinians by working alongside trusted community partners and religious organizations. Student ambassadors and community partners were trained on COVID-19 vaccines, community organizing, and storytelling, and then worked together to address gaps in vaccine information and access.

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Faith & Health

Learn how engaging religious diversity can strengthen health across the nation.

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Suzanne Watts Henderson

Senior Consultant

Interfaith America

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